14 Threepond Road Smithtown, New York 11787 USA   Phone: 516-858-0115  Fax: 516-596-8788


Browse the full list of FAQ's for Periotron Model 6000/8000.
Many common problems and their solutions are listed below.


What is a Periotron?

How do I set the Periotron to zero?
How do I clean the electrodes?
What are the effects of residual moisture on zero adjustment?
How do I measure with the Periotron?
What is the strip capacity of the various papers?
What do I need to know about monitoring GCF levels and in the management of gingivitis-periodontitis?
What is a Standard Curve and why do I need to have one?
How do I calibrate the Periotron using PerioCol paper?
How do I calibrate the Periotron using SialoPaper?