14 Threepond Road Smithtown, New York 11787 USA  Phone: 516-858-0115   Fax: 516-596-8788


Periotron Version 2.52
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the Navigation Keys Used For?

  Periotron Version 2.52 organizes sample data in a spreadsheet of 40 rows by 26 columns. Each row represents a particular site where a sample has been taken. Columns represent a session or visit. Thus the maximum number of samples that can be taken is set at 1040. However, Periotron Version 2.52 companion volume conversion program (MLConvrt) can only convert a maximum of 174 samples. Please see the FAQ addressing this limitation.

The user may view rows and columns by using the navigation keys listed below.
Key Result
Home Moves the cursor to the first site and the first session.
End Moves the cursor to the last site and the last session.
Page Up Displays the previous 10 sites.
Page Down Displays the next 10 sites.
Up Moves the cursor one row up.
Down Moves the cursor down one row.
Right Moves the cursor one row to the right
Left Moves the cursor one row to the left
ESC Returns the user to the main selection menu.