14 Threepond Road Smithtown, New York 11787 USA  Phone: 516-858-0115  Fax: 516-596-8788


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why Does My Periotron Display E01, E02, E03 or E04?

  Occasionally while taking samples with the Periotron, it will display E01, E02, E03 or E04 followed by a "beep". This indicates that an error has occurred while taking a reading. The following table lists the possible errors, the cause and resolution.
Periotron Error Codes
E01 An interruption occurred during data acquisition.  This error occurs
when the jaws of the Periotron are opened while the display is flashing.
Wait until the Periotron displays a score before opening the jaws.
E02 An analog to digital error has occurred.  This is an internal error indicating
that the Periotron was unable to convert the sample into a Periotron Score.
This is caused by the Periotron unable to calibrate the internal circuitry
within a pre-determined time. Reset the Periotron and try again.
E03 An undisplayable positive number (off scale) has occurred (+200 to +999).
Reset the Periotron and try again.
E04 An undisplayable negative number (off scale in the opposite direction) has
occurred (-100 to -999).  Reset the Periotron and try again.
  To clear an error, close the jaws of the electrodes and immediately reopen. You are now ready to take a new reading.