14 Threepond Road Smithtown, New York 11787 USA  Phone: 516-858-0115   Fax: 516-596-8788


Periotron Version 2.52 (DOS/Windows 3.x)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is MLConvrt and How Do I Use It?

  MLConvrt is a companion computer program to Periotron Version 2.52. It will:

Create a standard curve by fitting a 4th order polynomial for each of the three types of paper used (PerioPaper, PerioCol and SialoPaper).

Read a patient file and using the coefficients generated from the polynomial, convert Periotron Scores into volume expressed as microliters (ml). The data is automatically saved to a file in the \PERIO\PATIENTS directory with the same patient file name. PerioPaper conversions will have an extension of .PER, PerioCol paper conversions will have .COL extension and SialoPaper with an extension of .SIA. These files may be read by any program capable of reading comma delimited files.

Starting MLConvrt
You may start MLConvrt at the DOS prompt by changing to the \PERIO directory and typing MLCONVRT, or by using Windows 3.x File Manager and clicking on MLCONVRT.

MLConvrt opens by giving the user the option of fitting a standard curve or converting Periotron Scores to microliters. Please be aware a standard curve must be fitted prior to volume conversions. Please see the article on Periotron Calibration.


Maximum allowable volumes (in mls) for the paper types are as follows:

PerioPaper 0.70
PerioCol Paper 1.25
SialoPaper 3.00
  Note: MLConvrt will not convert any Periotron Scores outside of these ranges.

Using MLConvrt
Available files are displayed in a LIST FILE box. To select a particular patient file, that file must be entered into the INPUT FILE box. This may be done by using a mouse or by keystrokes. Since DOS and Windows 3.x supports multiple directories, it might be necessary to change to the directory where the patient file has been saved.

Patient files are selected by clicking on the file name or by pressing ENTER. The TAB key will move the cursor from field to field. Fields may be accessed directly by holding the ALT key in combination with the highlighted letter in the field caption.

When the desired file has been selected, press or click OK to begin volume conversion. The results are displayed. Answer YES if a printout is desired.