14 Threepond Road Smithtown, New York 11787 USA  Phone: 516-858-0115   Fax: 516-596-8788


Periotron Version 2.52 (DOS/Windows 3.x)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How Do I Export Patient Data to Another Program?

  Periotron Version 2.52 saves patient information as ASCII (text) without any special formatting other than carriage returns and line feeds. There is no EXPORT command in Perio 2.52 as applications may IMPORT patient files directly.

Patient files are named according to the following:
    The DOS convention for file names is an eight character prefix with a three character suffix (For example ACCESS.EXE).

Patient files using PerioPaper end in .PT0 (SMITH.PT0)

Patient files using PerioCol paper end in .PTO (JOHNSON.PTO)

Patient files using SialoPaper end with .PT1 (JONES.PT1)

Patient files are saved as the first five letters of their last name with the first three letters of their first name. Thus patient Charles Johnson using PerioPaper information would be saved as JOHNSCHA.PT0.

If another patient has the same name, the second patient file is saved with a three digit number instead of the three characters for the first name. Using the above patient name Charles Johnson, the patient file would be saved as JOHN001.PT0.
  Almost all programs (Word Processors, Spreadsheets, Statistical Analysis, etc.) have the ability to import comma delimited ASCII data. The user is referenced to that program's documentation on how to import.