14 Threepond Road Smithtown, New York 11787 USA  Phone: 516-858-0115   Fax: 516-596-8788


Periotron Version 2.52
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the Functions Keys Used For?

  F1 - Zero Adjust. Allows the Periotron to be zero adjusted without taking any patient readings. The ADJUST ZERO field is grayed while waiting for the zeroing to occur.

F2 - Take Data. Takes a sequence of readings from the Model 8000 while automatically incrementing to the next row for each new value. The TAKE DATA field is grayed while waiting for the readings to occur. This sequence can be interrupted at any time by pressing the F1 key.

F3 - Delete Reading. Deletes selected values and remains at that row and column position.

F4 - Graph. Used for selecting graph functions. Displays the following sub-menu:
    F1 - Graph Session. Graphs patient data for all sessions. The graph bars are representative in height of Periotron Scores. If the scores are greater than the maximum value of the Y-axis, the height is displayed at full height and with a number displayed indicating the actual value.
    F2 - Graph Site. Graphs patient data for that site. See F1 Graph Session for height representations.
    F3 - Print Session Graph. Prints the graph generated when charting patient sessions (See F1 - Graph Session).
    F4 - Print Site Graph. Prints the graph generated when charting patient sites (See F2 - Graph Site).
    ESC - Menu. Returns the user to the previous menu.
  F5 - Print. Generates a printed report showing Periotron Scores for a particular patient. This file will contain the patient information as well as the Periotron Scores.

ESC - Main Menu. Returns the user to main selection menu.